Membership in AAIM is limited to physicians who are Medical Directors of insurance companies, nurses, underwriters, medical consultants and other professional members in insurance, and affiliates who have a professional interest in Insurance Medicine.
AAIM members serve as medical directors for insurance companies on either a full, part-time or consulting basis and fill other industry roles. They provide a valued connection between medical science, clinical practice and the insurance business. We have been active since 1889 and currently have a membership around 600 representing over 300 companies. The majority of members work in the United States and Canada with many members in Europe, Asia and Australia and elsewhere around the globe.
Our annual meeting is held in October of each year at locations in the US and Canada. It consists of 3 days of lectures and workshops presented by researchers, clinicians and our own membership. It also includes opportunities to meet and converse with other medical directors as well as family oriented activities. Registered non-members are welcome to the meeting and courses listed below.
Introduction to Insurance Medicine and the Basic Mortality Methodology Course are one-day courses, which precede the annual meeting. The first covers the basics of being an effective medical director and the second demystifies mortality statistics. These classes, done on a small group interactive basis, help prepare you for a career in this specialty while the annual meeting keeps you up to date. We also offer an Advanced Mortality Methodology Course.
The AAIM Triennial Course is our intensive week-long course for both new medical directors and for those seeking a review and update of the discipline. All medical directors involved in life, disability and long term care should try to attend early in their careers and many return regularly.
Our Journal of Insurance Medicine carries articles and abstracts on mortality, morbidity and disability associated with medical and non-medical conditions and the use of various forms of testing to evaluate risk. It is indexed in MEDLINE.
AAIM offers Diplomate Recognition through the Board of Insurance Medicine and has representation in the House of Delegates of the AMA.
For more information on the role of a Medical Director in a life insurance company, please click here.